Opening hours telephone

General Practice Vita can be reached by telephone Monday until Friday from 08.00 until 17.00 hours via number: 035 624 8831

When you call us you will hear a selection menu:

  • in case of an emergency situation, choose option 1
  • to request a repeat prescription, choose option 2
  • for results of investigations, choose option 3
  • to speak to an employee, choose option 4

In the morning your own, well-known GP practice assistant answers the telephone. In the afternoon the telephone is answered alternately by the GP practice assistant of General Practice Vita, General Practice Panacea or General Practice Boersma. Therefore call to make an appointment, for personal advice or for results of investigations preferably in the morning.
Of course the emergency line can be reached throughout the day.

When General Practice Vita is closed because of vacation, you will automatically be connected to an observing general practice in Gezondheidscentrum Casa Cura (health center).

Emergency outside opening hours
For urgent matters outside opening hours you call Primair Huisartsenposten Blaricum (GP post) via number: 088 130 9600

Life threatening situations
In a life threatening situation you call 112