Make an appointment

At General Practice Vita you can make an appointment by contacting the practice by telephone or by using our web agenda online.

  • Make an appointment by telephone
    To make an appointment by telephone you can call the practice Monday until Friday from 08.00 until 17.00 hours via number: 035 624 8831 (option 3) 
    However in the morning your own, well known GP practice assistant answers the telephone. In the afternoon the telephone is answered alternately by the GP practice assistant of General Practice Vita, General Practice Panacea or General Practice Boersma. Therefore call to make an appointment, preferably, in the morning. 
  • Make an appointment online
    If you are registered at our practice you can use our web agenda. For this you click on the icon Web agenda at the homepage.

    Currently, the use of the web agenda can only be used for telephone appointments.

Due to Covid 19 there is no  walk-in consultation hour anymore and also to have a blood sample taken (every working day from 08.00 until 12.00 hours) you have to make an appointment.
If you are registered at our practice and have an account you can use our e-consultation. For this click on the icon E-consultation at the homepage. You can start an e-consultation at any time.

For the other consultation hours and consultations you need to make an appointment.

More time needed?
For a GP consultation we reserve 10 minutes and is basically meant for the treatment of one question. If you think you need more time, for example because you have one big problem or several questions or because a longer conversation is appropriate, mention this when you make an appointment by telephone. Then we can reserve more time.
If you use our web agenda you can make (maximum) two appointments in succession.